
Did you know that it’s much cheaper to reach your target audience using social media than any other type of marketing? That’s because social media is all about reaching a lot more people than can be achieved with other marketing options, whilst saving money and engaging with your target audience.


The majority of small business owners understand that a social media presence will help grow their business. The problem is that they usually don’t really understand how much of a boost it can give to their sales. So because they are time poor, plan to do it, but never find the time, don’t know how to do it or simply lack the enthusiasm to learn how to do it – it never gets done!

That’s a shame because interacting with existing and potential customers on social media can help you build brand awareness in your target market, increase your customer base and boost your revenue. There are even more reasons why a social media presence is vital for growing your business and here are five that might resonate with you.

You don’t need a large budget: Even with nothing in the pot, you can still grow a social media presence by opening a Facebook page.

You don’t even need to pay for ads on social media if you don’t have the budget. With a small budget, however, you can massively increase your customer base using ads and acquire new and repeat customers very quickly.

You control the narrative: Social media is a great way to share your story with your target audience. You can explain your passion for your products or services and the drive behind your business, as well as the meaning of your brand’s message.

All of this helps your brand engage with your audience and create bonds that can last a lifetime. We all know that repeat customers can be more valuable in the long term that trying to generate new customers!

You gain an edge on the competition: When people turn to your social media posts for information or for products or services to help to solve their problems, you gain an edge on the competition. It’s all about building trust with your customers so that your brand becomes their first choice!

You learn more about the competition: When you are active on social media you can easily learn how the competition engages their customers and do it better! What questions are they asked by their customers? What do they complain about? What do they post about? How often do they post? Learn what they do and simply outplay them!Lear

n more about your customers: Targeting specific individuals based on their demographics or search interests is a strategy that can propel your sales through the roof! Why waste time promoting your products or services to people who are not interested? Social media marketing lets you build targeted audiences who are looking for your products and are ready to make a purchase.

So if you don’t have the time, energy or enthusiasm to do all this yourself, check out my customised social media packages. They are designed for professionals who want a simple hands-off approach to social media marketing.